I haven't forgotten you!
Listen. I think I have to chalk 2024 up to a year of learning experiences. The first year of streaming was the novelty of finding an awesome community to get to know and build relationships with, while this second year has been more seeking out what my place in all of this is.
I added this space to encourage myself to keep writing and creating other such content, and your support to help me keep going with this has always been in the back of my mind - I just haven't been keeping up my end of the bargain. For this, I deeply apologize.
I have all these plans, and the steps I need to take to go forward with it, but for now please bear with me. I promise to make it up to you. And I'm hoping it'll be a matter of days before you see more regular activity here.
That said, if you want to cancel your membership, I wouldn't blame you. I've made you wait long enough. Thank you so much for your support up until now, nonetheless!